Must-have Shopify Apps to Boost Sales and Business Growth

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Grow Your eCommerce Store with These Shopify Apps

The world of eCommerce took 2020 by storm. With high street retailers unable to open thanks to the pandemic, online retail has been discovered by many thousands of consumers who had not previously shopped online. The result is more online retailers and greater competition across just about every market.

This means that your online eCommerce store is in need of greater exposure, and that’s where Shopify becomes an important factor in your marketing and retailing campaign.

Why Shopify, and what benefits does the platform bring to your business?

According to recent figures, Shopify hosts around 1,700,000 businesses on its platform, in 175 countries. This makes it the premier eCommerce platform and one you need to be on board with.

One of the major appeals of Shopify is the ability to create apps for stores and also for enabling more efficient use of the platform. In the article that follows we will look at Shopify itself and what the platform is about, as well as introduce you to two important Shopify Apps that could make a massive difference to your business.

We have two such apps we feel are important for eCommerce users right now, as they offer many benefits that make life easier for online retailers. Each of the two apps chosen offers benefits in different areas of the eCommerce business, and both would work together to boost business growth and brand awareness.

Pandectes GDPR Compliance

Pandectes offers a selection of useful Shopify apps that are designed specifically to make online trading easier for eCommerce outlets. For example, if a Shopify store is located within or sells goods or services to the EEA/EU or California, or Brazil, it is legally required to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) or the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD). This compliance can mean a lot of time and effort spent ensuring things are above board and legal.

Pandectes GDPR Compliance App for Shopify - Must-have Shopify Apps to Boost Sales and Business Growth - Banner types

Where Pandectes comes into this is with an app that is an all-in-one solution for this problem. The GDPR app installs a cookie bar for GDPR and CCPA and LGPD action requests (it will only notify the customer of the requirement for their location) as well as offers a Data Subject Requests widget that can be added on a page offering information about visitor’s consent, and custom email notifications about any Data Subject Request is made by visitors and customers of a store. Also, it offers a cookie declaration widget that can be added to the privacy policy page or to a separate cookie policy page. The customer can choose to consent or otherwise at the e-privacy page which can be presented in several European languages.

In addition to the GDPR app, Pandectes also offers a series of bridge apps that enable direct communication between the eCommerce store and the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software used by the retailer. This means real-time updating and enacting on warehousing, distribution, and synchronizing all aspects of an order. This app streamlines the purchasing and ordering system to cut down on time spent and increase efficiency.

In addition to its existing apps, Pandectes works with many clients providing private and custom apps for Shopify use, and can quote for any such requirement. This established business based in Greece has many satisfied clients worldwide and is a leading name in Shopify apps.

It is for these reasons that EcommerceGold recommends us as the best option for adding GDPR to Shopify stores.

Socital – Generate more leads and boost sales with smart pop-ups and bars!

Socital is an established and popular Shopify app that has many unique and interesting attributes. For example, Socital is the only app that allows eCommerce users to pull customer data from their social media pages and utilize this data for marketing.

Whereas Pandectes offers apps to make life easier in terms of transactions, Socital is primarily a marketing app aimed at gathering leads and converting them into customers.


Using targeted popups, for example, Socital can increase lead generation and conversion with little time expended by the user, making it a valuable tool for growing eCommerce businesses. Socital also has features designed to reduce customer abandonment and can target specifically where the eCommerce retailer wants to go.

Socital recognizes the importance of personalization to the modern consumer and as such offers a range of tools to handle this that are unique in their scope. The platform also offers tools for database building and analysis, tools to develop seasonal campaigns, and many more impressive marketing and sales growth tools.

The triggers within Socital include time-display, in which the platform will display a pop-up at exactly the right moment to grab the customer, as well as detecting when a consumer is on the verge of leaving your page and grabbing their attention at that point. It is perhaps this clever cart abandonment reduction feature that attracts the most eCommerce users thanks to its ability to reduce lost custom.


Customers can be targeted on their behavioral traits to slim down the potential client list, and it can be integrated with all popular email marketing tools for a streamlined and synchronized campaign.

All in all, Socital offers a fine range of options in terms of marketing and customer growth tools and is sensibly priced in what is a competitive market.

Should You Invest in Pandectes and Socital?

Growing an eCommerce store is not the work of the moment. Nothing happens overnight, and there is plenty of hard work that needs to go into getting your online store or service provider established and known. The key is to keep existing customers while finding new ones, and that is not always the simplest trick to pull off. With the tools described above, you can make life a lot easier and boost your online sales and footprint without the need to take your eye off the daily management of the business. Let’s have a recap before we close as to the benefits of these two Shopify apps.

Pandectes may be an essential app if you sell to or are located in a country or state affected by the GDPR or CCPA or LGPD regulations and requirements. These apply to data privacy and are strictly enforced in the regions that they apply to. If you do not comply, the penalty can be harsh, and you cannot legally trade in the applicable countries or states. The app makes it simple to meet the compliance regulations and is worth the investment for that alone with the additional features being a bonus.

Socital is the only Shopify app that draws information from consumers’ social media pages, giving you the ability to streamline your marketing to a targeted audience. It also offers many more marketing tools in the form of a cart abandonment trigger and other neat notifications, as well as including tools that help build your email register. As a business growth tool, Socital is certainly worth the small investment and will help boost your online profile.

These two apps are among the best Shopify apps we have seen and can bring major benefits to eCommerce businesses using the Shopify platform.

Make your Shopify Store GDPR/CCPA compliant today
Pandectes GDPR Compliance App for Shopify
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