Consent Management Platform for Shopify
Scan your Shopify Store
Trusted by 143,000+ Shopify Stores worldwide
Why choose Pandectes?
All cookie and tracking technology used on your Shopify store is transparent thanks to Pandectes GDPR Compliance for Shopify.
- Cookie consent banner
- Customizable appearance
- Multi-language support
- Cookies, pixel, iframes & scripts scanner
- Customer data requests
- Do not sell my data option
- Custom storefront support
- Google Tag Manager Template
- Shopify Customer Privacy API
- Web Pixel Support
- Google Consent Mode v2
- Facebook LDU support
- Global Privacy Control
- Integrations
- IAB TCF v2.2
- Googleβs Additional Consent Mode
- GDPR, CCPA and other regional laws
- Meet legal requirements
- Mobile-friendly
- Shopify theme 2.0 ready
- Embedded application
- Support from experts
Store Scanning & Cookie Policy
Scan your store allows you to quickly and easily generate a comprehensive cookie policy for your website. By using the tool, you can ensure that your website is compliant with all relevant laws and regulations regarding the use of cookies.
Multiple languages & Translations
Having your banner and compliance pages translated into 130+ languages can help to make your website more accessible and user-friendly for a global audience. It also works with all translation apps.
- Manual translation
- Translation with presets
- Google Translate
Auto-blocker & Google Consent Mode
Block popular tracking technologies until consent is given. Run Google Analytics and Google Ads with Google Consent Mode. It includes all popular services but also option to add custom rules.