Cookie Scan & Declaration

Scan your store for cookies & other tracking technologies, such as local storage and pixels. Our scanner automatically detects and categorizes them. All the detected results are available with their purpose description based on our database records.Β 


How it works

Install the app

Install our application to your store. The process just takes you some seconds and is ready to be used.


Initiate Scan

After successful install an initial scan will be performed. The scan takes just some seconds.


View Report

After the scan is completed you can see a notification with a link to the scan report.Β 


Add Declaration

Add your cookies and other technologies declaration to your cookie or privacy policy page.

How to add a Cookie Declaration Page

Supported Tracking Technologies


Cookies are small text files that are stored on a user’s device by a website. They are used to store information about the user’s preferences, browsing history, and login information, which the website can then access when the user visits again. Cookies are commonly used for tracking technology as they allow websites to keep track of a user’s behavior across multiple visits and to personalize the content or advertising that they see.

Local Storage

Local storage is a feature of web browsers that allows websites to store data on a user’s device, such as their preferences or login information. This data is saved on the user’s device and can be accessed by the website even after the user has closed their browser or turned off their device. Local storage can be used for tracking technology by allowing websites to track a user’s behavior even if they don’t have cookies enabled or if they have cleared their cookies.


Pixels are small, transparent images that are embedded on websites. They can be used for tracking technology by collecting information about website visitors, such as the pages they have visited, the actions they have taken on the website, and the device they are using. This information can then be used to track the visitor’s behavior across multiple visits and to target them with personalized advertising or content.

Store Scanning Features

Cookie Policy

Scan your Shopify store and obtain insight into the privacy status of it

Why Choose Pandectes GDPR Compliance?

Most popular

Shopify's most popular and widely used GDPR app on the app store with thousands of happy stores and hundreds of positive reviews.

Flexible & Modular

From small to large stores with millions of visitors per day Pandectes solution can serve visitors without any affect on stores performance.

Regulations Coverage

Pandectes GDPR Compliance covers the most popular data privacy laws and regulations around the world including GDPR, CCPA, VCDPA, LGPD, PIPEDA, PDPA & APPI

Banner Modes

Pandectes GDPR Compliance app provides different banner modes depending your needs.

Cookie Dictionary

Cookie dictionary maintains a global cookie database. Each cookie is compared with the database for auto-categorization and information.

Consent Records

Provides an audit trail of detailed consent records, easily downloadable to demonstrate compliance.


Pandectes GDPR Compliance app supports more than 130 languages. It also offers Google Translate integration.

Insights & Reports

Consent tracking, customer data requests, scan results are the main reports and insights to monitor your compliance in the best way.

24/7 Support

Our team of experts are always available to give you the best support with 24/7 coverage over chat and email.

Make your Shopify Store's use of cookies and online tracking compliant today