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An overview of the American Privacy Rights Act (APRA)
Introduction The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) establishes a comprehensive federal data privacy law framework for data privacy in the United States, aiming to create a uniform national data privacy law. It defines “covered data” and “sensitive covered data,” tasks the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with enforcement, and emphasizes data minimization and robust security practices. The APRA impacts large data holders, mandates affirmative express consent for data transfers, and supersedes state laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA). It grants a private right of action for consumers, requires data security officers, protects employee data, and regulates data brokers and targeted advertising. Additionally, it promotes the use of de-identified data and safeguards private communications and human decision-making processes. This act marks a significant step towards comprehensive federal privacy legislation in the U.S. By addressing the gaps left by existing state privacy laws and aligning
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