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Google’s transition away from third-party cookies

Introduction For years, third-party cookies have been a crucial underpinning of the online advertising ecosystem. These small pieces of data, typically stored on a user’s web browser, including Chrome users, have been pivotal in tracking users’ activities across many websites. This tracking ability has empowered advertisers to meticulously construct user profiles, thereby facilitating targeted and personalized advertising campaigns. Third-party cookies have provided advertisers valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and habits, allowing them to deliver more relevant and impactful ads. However, persistent apprehensions and mounting scrutiny surrounding user privacy and data protection have precipitated a discernible shift in the industry’s reliance on third-party cookies. With the evolving landscape of digital privacy regulations and the growing societal emphasis on safeguarding personal data, businesses, and technology providers are increasingly reevaluating the use of third-party cookies in online advertising. As a result, many are exploring alternative methods and technologies to ensure targeted advertising

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